
Renu now offers both oncology massage and lymphatic drainage massage – both of which are highly specialized, and both of which are more gentle forms of massage than therapeutic massage typically is. Oncology massage can be a great help to someone undergoing treatment for cancer, with benefits including: Improved sleep Improvement in the ability to […]

Energy stones on colored leaves

Want to be your best self as your kids come home from school this summer? We’ve got you! Massage is fantastic for self-care, most of us already know the benefits. Did you know Reiki can reduce anxiety and also promotes a positive mental state? Reiki is all about balance and healing. We’ve talked before about […]

Reiki Energy Services

Want a Deep, Overwhelming Sense of Love? Don’t We All? Your intention matters. Always. If you decide a session is not going to benefit you, then you will be right. Your mind is very powerful! This is why so many self help books focus on training your mind. Think The Secret and other such books […]